Posn Stage 15
Greve 15
4.39 miles
11 1:06:21.0
25 1:06:36.9
39 1:08:19.7
412 1:08:30.9
57 1:08:40.7
62 1:08:47.3
727 1:09:35.7
814 1:09:52.3
915 1:09:55.3
103 1:10:17.4
1120 1:10:46.3
128 1:10:52.6
1326 1:11:28.8
1421 1:11:39.9
156 1:11:45.0
1641 1:12:36.7
1724 1:12:37.2
1831 1:13:26.5
1932 1:13:38.1
2037 1:14:24.0
2135 1:14:58.3
2234 1:15:27.2
2353 1:15:55.1
2430 1:16:21.7
2544 1:16:22.3
2646 1:16:54.2
2749 1:17:19.4
2851 1:17:46.2
2939 1:17:51.0
3047 1:18:16.1
3166 1:19:05.0
3250 1:19:20.1
3329 1:19:59.8
3442 1:20:01.7
3536 1:20:47.7
3648 1:22:46.0
3758 1:23:13.7
3863 1:23:30.0
3971 1:23:37.1
4057 1:25:21.1
4159 1:25:35.5
4269 1:25:46.4
4352 1:28:10.4
4465 1:30:14.6
4560 1:30:41.0
4661 1:30:41.4
4768 1:32:10.8
4862 1:32:53.7
4970 1:34:59.9
5072 1:41:47.0

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 12th October 2013 at 17:45 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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