Posn Stage 1
7.50 miles
162 8:41
21 8:58
33 8:59
42 9:04
56 9:05
616 9:06
77 9:08
88 9:15
925 9:17
1017 9:19
1121 9:22
1220 9:23
1311 9:24
1431 9:25
159 9:27
1623 9:27
1712 9:28
1819 9:29
1922 9:29
2018 9:32
2132 9:35
2215 9:36
2329 9:36
2424 9:37
2535 9:39
264 9:40
275 9:40
2826 9:41
2950 9:44
3010 9:47
3128 9:47
3214 9:50
3327 9:50
3447 9:52
3536 9:53
3642 9:55
3761 10:05
3833 10:13
3940 10:14
4034 10:17
4137 10:20
4230 10:22
4351 10:23
4446 10:27
4539 10:31
4649 10:34
4745 10:48
4854 11:00
4943 11:05
5044 11:14
5153 11:45
5252 12:23

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 11th May 2014 at 18:11 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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