Posn Stage 23
Platons 23
3.41 miles
124 3:16.7
22 3:51.4
33 3:53.5
46 4:01.4
58 4:03.0
615 4:06.7
722 4:07.3
817 4:09.2
914 4:09.6
1018 4:10.3
115 4:11.9
1229 4:14.5
1323 4:14.7
1428 4:14.9
1513 4:17.8
1635 4:22.0
1742 4:22.1
1874 4:22.1
1926 4:22.3
2038 4:26.0
2141 4:26.2
2231 4:28.2
2381 4:30.3
2443 4:30.4
2551 4:31.0
2656 4:32.8
2772 4:33.2
2864 4:33.4
2955 4:37.8
3068 4:40.5
3170 4:41.0
3244 4:41.1
3369 4:41.1
3433 4:42.0
3547 4:43.0
3650 4:43.0
3737 4:44.3
3852 4:46.2
3979 4:50.6
4080 4:52.2
4162 4:57.3
4276 4:57.3
4358 4:58.5
4460 4:58.6
4539 5:00.0
4671 5:00.8
4754 5:01.0
4846 5:03.4
4975 5:19.1
5078 5:21.7
5165 5:30.0
5273 6:28.2
5334 9:00.0

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 11th October 2014 at 17:14 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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