Posn Stage 1
7.10 miles
12 5:55
21 5:59
316 6:08
44 6:09
518 6:11
623 6:12
79 6:15
815 6:16
910 6:20
1035 6:22
117 6:24
1241 6:24
1362 6:29
1428 6:30
1553 6:30
1611 6:32
1732 6:32
1820 6:33
195 6:34
2012 6:34
2129 6:34
228 6:36
2337 6:36
2439 6:36
2534 6:38
2614 6:39
2773 6:39
2821 6:40
29155 6:43
3043 6:44
3156 6:45
3245 6:50
3347 6:50
3440 6:51
3560 6:51
3650 6:52
3738 6:53
3865 6:53
3966 6:53
4072 6:57
4127 6:59
4236 7:00
4344 7:01
4419 7:02
4546 7:02
4664 7:03
4771 7:03
48157 7:05
4933 7:07
5042 7:08
5151 7:08
5258 7:09
5380 7:11
54170 7:11
5567 7:16
5678 7:20
5731 7:22
5883 7:22
5979 7:23
6084 7:23
6152 7:28
6275 7:30
6385 7:31
6470 7:32
65156 7:35
6674 7:37
6782 7:37
6876 7:38
6949 7:39
7063 7:41
7168 7:42
7261 7:47
7387 7:51
7489 7:57
75188 8:07
7688 8:16
7781 8:21
786 8:44
7986 10:00
8091 10:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 8th November 2014 at 18:09 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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