Posn Stage 1
Wass 1
2.38 miles
12 2:37
21 2:40
33 2:40
45 2:46
5101 2:46
64 2:47
79 2:47
88 2:48
910 2:50
1014 2:53
11109 2:55
12103 2:56
13102 2:58
1418 3:00
1521 3:00
1624 3:00
1730 3:00
18104 3:00
1915 3:01
2025 3:01
2140 3:02
2216 3:03
23107 3:03
2422 3:04
257 3:05
2629 3:05
2738 3:05
2820 3:06
2931 3:06
3043 3:06
3145 3:06
32108 3:06
3334 3:07
3433 3:08
35112 3:08
3627 3:09
3728 3:09
3832 3:12
3923 3:16
4026 3:16
4139 3:16
4242 3:16
43111 3:18
4411 3:19
4535 3:19
46110 3:20
4717 3:21
4836 3:22
4947 3:22
5044 3:24
5137 3:28
52106 3:30
5341 3:32
5448 3:41
55113 4:05
5646 4:06
5749 4:38

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 22nd February 2015 at 17:10 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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