Posn Stage 1
The Cronk 1
10.81 miles
11 10:24
22 10:27
34 10:47
45 10:53
58 11:10
66 11:18
711 11:18
818 11:26
915 11:27
1014 11:28
1110 11:31
1216 11:53
1317 11:54
1420 11:54
1521 11:54
1622 11:54
1723 11:54
1825 11:54
1926 11:54
2027 11:54
2128 11:54
2229 11:54
2330 11:54
2431 11:54
2532 11:54
2635 12:17
2744 12:23
2842 12:40
2947 12:47
3043 12:51
3139 12:52
3240 12:57
3333 12:59
3441 13:24
3537 13:36
3638 13:37
3746 13:47
3836 13:49
3912 14:15
4034 14:35

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 31st January 2015 at 18:00 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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