Posn Stage 9
Archirondel 9
5.08 miles
114 5:52.3
22 5:53.9
315 6:08.4
411 6:10.3
517 6:13.2
628 6:13.9
75 6:14.2
87 6:14.5
918 6:15.6
104 6:17.5
113 6:17.7
129 6:19.1
1312 6:24.8
148 6:25.0
1521 6:25.4
1622 6:31.2
1741 6:37.7
1851 6:37.8
1943 6:40.2
2046 6:42.9
2134 6:45.2
2238 6:47.2
2325 6:47.3
2427 6:49.5
2529 6:50.6
2642 6:55.6
2748 6:59.5
2863 7:02.1
2957 7:04.8
3054 7:08.2
3133 7:08.3
3249 7:08.3
3367 7:08.6
3444 7:09.0
3573 7:10.7
3632 7:12.3
3739 7:12.3
3859 7:15.8
3968 7:21.0
4061 7:28.4
4165 7:28.6
4231 7:29.1
4366 7:46.6
4460 7:47.3
4572 7:47.8
4658 7:55.6
4764 7:57.7
4850 8:00.2
4936 8:01.6
5062 8:07.8
5156 8:15.9
5252 8:17.3
5371 8:24.9
5470 9:04.2

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 10th October 2015 at 17:45 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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