Posn Stage 1
6.66 miles
112 6:49
21 6:53
320 6:56
414 6:59
519 6:59
66 7:03
77 7:05
89 7:06
942 7:06
108 7:08
1118 7:08
1215 7:10
1387 7:10
1448 7:12
155 7:13
1635 7:13
173 7:15
1827 7:15
194 7:16
2032 7:16
2137 7:16
2240 7:16
2346 7:16
2411 7:17
2517 7:17
2623 7:17
2761 7:18
2834 7:20
2928 7:21
3021 7:22
3143 7:22
3245 7:22
3349 7:22
3429 7:23
3524 7:25
3652 7:30
3741 7:31
3866 7:31
392 7:32
4031 7:32
4158 7:33
4250 7:36
4339 7:38
4455 7:38
4525 7:39
4622 7:40
4730 7:40
4847 7:40
4992 7:40
5082 7:41
5154 7:42
5233 7:44
5362 7:47
5460 7:48
5516 7:52
5669 7:54
5753 7:56
5856 8:02
5975 8:04
6083 8:06
6168 8:08
6285 8:10
6380 8:11
6465 8:13
6538 8:16
6663 8:16
6772 8:19
6870 8:22
6976 8:31
7078 8:32
7177 8:38
7274 8:47
7371 8:53
7464 9:02
7573 9:03
7679 9:21
7781 9:27
7851 13:20
7967 13:20

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 25th October 2015 at 18:35 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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