Posn Stage 1
6.66 miles
15 6:35
27 6:52
34 6:56
411 7:02
568 7:02
61 7:07
78 7:08
83 7:10
96 7:10
1016 7:11
1142 7:11
1214 7:12
1322 7:13
1420 7:17
1546 7:19
1640 7:20
1715 7:23
1829 7:23
1933 7:24
2010 7:25
2130 7:25
2282 7:25
2332 7:27
249 7:28
2521 7:28
2638 7:28
2718 7:29
2835 7:29
2919 7:30
3012 7:31
3153 7:32
322 7:33
3352 7:33
3434 7:36
3537 7:36
3665 7:46
3748 7:52
3825 7:54
3928 7:55
4039 7:56
4144 7:59
4226 8:00
4327 8:05
4462 8:09
4554 8:12
4655 8:13
4757 8:18
4836 8:19
4943 8:21
5061 8:21
5170 8:23
5241 8:24
5345 8:31
5473 8:32
5574 8:35
5669 8:41
5749 8:48
5866 8:50
5976 8:53
6081 8:58
6160 9:09
6283 9:12
6372 9:13
6431 9:20
6563 9:21
6675 9:22
6756 9:24
6867 9:25
6950 9:32
7080 9:52
7177 9:57
7279 11:15
7371 11:16
7478 11:20

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 6th March 2016 at 17:55 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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