Posn Stage 9
Hetres Short 9
3.11 miles
14 3:20.3
25 3:23.4
312 3:28.8
42 3:29.3
517 3:29.6
616 3:30.2
727 3:33.5
810 3:35.7
97 3:36.0
1032 3:37.3
113 3:37.6
1229 3:38.6
1311 3:39.1
1418 3:39.8
1528 3:40.1
1620 3:41.6
1719 3:42.0
189 3:42.4
198 3:42.5
2014 3:44.5
2141 3:45.2
2230 3:45.9
2313 3:47.8
2440 3:48.6
2538 3:48.9
2622 3:49.3
2746 3:49.3
2837 3:50.1
2983 3:50.2
3024 3:51.1
3163 3:53.7
3258 3:55.4
3345 3:56.0
3444 3:58.0
3551 3:58.2
3643 3:58.8
3754 3:59.8
3815 4:01.7
3960 4:03.0
4039 4:04.5
4131 4:06.0
4253 4:07.3
4362 4:07.3
4461 4:08.1
4533 4:08.7
4666 4:09.9
4735 4:11.2
4873 4:16.1
4956 4:16.2
5052 4:18.5
5170 4:18.8
5255 4:22.0
5359 4:22.7
5475 4:27.8
5579 4:29.4
5649 4:32.0
5769 4:34.0
5881 4:36.2
5978 4:36.7
6065 4:40.4
6174 4:42.3
6280 4:43.2
6372 4:44.0
6482 5:18.9
6577 5:19.6

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 15th October 2016 at 18:50 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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