Posn Stage 1
7.60 miles
134 10:07
27 10:15
311 10:21
435 10:26
52 10:28
66 10:29
733 10:29
839 10:31
95 10:33
1037 10:46
1112 10:49
129 10:51
1323 10:51
1428 10:52
1532 10:52
1649 10:52
171 10:57
1821 10:58
1929 11:00
2010 11:02
2141 11:03
2254 11:06
2317 11:07
2419 11:07
2526 11:08
2627 11:11
2724 11:12
2830 11:12
2936 11:20
3015 11:23
3145 11:26
3247 11:29
3359 11:29
3416 11:30
3518 11:32
3653 11:34
3760 11:34
3842 11:37
3957 11:45
4058 11:45
4114 11:48
4255 11:48
4346 11:54
4451 11:56
4543 11:59
4652 11:59
4750 12:03
4848 12:30
4956 12:35
508 15:00
5125 15:00
5238 15:00
5331 30:00
5440 30:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 2nd April 2017 at 17:00 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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