Posn Stage 1
4.58 miles
13 4:30
21 4:31
35 4:31
413 4:34
58 4:36
616 4:38
77 4:39
84 4:42
96 4:49
1014 4:51
119 4:55
1210 4:55
1311 4:55
1426 4:58
1518 4:59
1641 4:59
1717 5:01
1860 5:02
1912 5:03
2053 5:05
2158 5:05
2215 5:06
2338 5:06
2446 5:08
252 5:09
2623 5:09
2725 5:09
2856 5:10
2919 5:11
3028 5:12
3157 5:13
3222 5:14
3324 5:14
3432 5:15
3540 5:15
3643 5:15
3735 5:16
3859 5:16
3933 5:17
4042 5:17
4121 5:18
4229 5:19
4354 5:19
4427 5:21
4534 5:23
4631 5:25
4764 5:28
4830 5:29
4955 5:31
5044 5:32
5173 5:32
5236 5:33
5352 5:34
5445 5:35
5576 5:38
5639 5:41
5771 5:42
5865 5:43
5970 5:45
6075 5:50
6180 5:53
6247 5:56
6349 6:01
6451 6:03
6574 6:03
6666 6:04
6772 6:04
6861 6:06
6978 6:06
7050 6:08
7179 6:08
7277 6:10
7337 7:32
7448 9:12
7562 25:00
7668 25:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 5th May 2019 at 16:50 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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