Posn Stage 1
8.63 miles
11 8:08
24 8:08
33 8:19
48 8:21
55 8:23
69 8:25
72 8:30
86 8:32
97 8:32
1012 8:35
1121 8:38
1214 8:39
1320 8:40
1430 8:40
1511 8:44
1624 8:46
1718 8:48
1829 8:48
1953 8:49
2059 8:49
2125 8:50
2276 8:51
2322 8:52
2434 8:52
2515 8:54
2646 8:54
2736 8:55
2854 8:56
2933 8:58
3016 9:00
3117 9:00
3226 9:00
3337 9:00
3431 9:01
3587 9:02
3662 9:03
3788 9:05
3847 9:06
3942 9:07
4069 9:09
4167 9:11
4227 9:12
4371 9:15
4452 9:19
4565 9:21
46103 9:22
4741 9:26
4880 9:27
4986 9:28
5045 9:30
5138 9:31
5244 9:31
5323 9:32
5450 9:32
5561 9:32
5698 9:32
5719 9:33
5866 9:34
5973 9:34
6056 9:35
6163 9:35
6278 9:38
6383 9:39
6455 9:41
6535 9:43
6692 9:43
6758 9:46
6870 9:46
6951 9:48
7084 9:50
7128 9:52
7285 9:53
7377 9:54
7490 9:54
7595 9:54
7668 9:56
7794 9:57
7839 9:58
7991 9:58
8064 10:02
8182 10:11
8281 10:14
83100 10:15
8475 10:17
8510 10:18
8696 10:27
87101 10:32
8899 10:53
89102 11:00
9093 11:27
9174 11:33
9297 11:33
9332 11:34
9479 12:23
9589 13:48
9640 18:00
9772 18:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 6th December 2020 at 17:15 GMT - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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