Posn Stage 1
Lochletter 1
11.38 miles
11 11:13
24 11:15
33 11:21
47 11:26
56 11:27
610 11:33
717 11:37
85 11:42
92 12:13
1030 12:14
1131 12:15
1215 12:19
1311 12:25
1487 12:27
1529 12:33
1632 12:33
1737 12:36
1828 12:40
1918 12:42
2012 12:47
2123 12:47
229 12:54
2340 12:54
2451 12:56
2526 12:58
2627 13:09
2733 13:09
2820 13:10
2938 13:18
3047 13:24
3144 13:33
3286 13:37
3341 13:40
3435 13:47
3522 13:52
3655 13:52
3739 13:53
3868 14:00
3989 14:06
4045 14:07
4152 14:11
4273 14:20
4361 14:23
4419 14:24
4548 14:28
4653 14:31
4750 14:34
4846 14:36
4958 14:36
5091 14:39
5162 14:40
5272 14:41
5343 14:46
5456 14:48
5557 14:51
5660 14:57
5775 14:58
5864 15:06
5967 15:07
6065 15:17
6184 15:18
6271 15:20
6374 15:20
6480 15:29
6577 15:31
6676 15:41
6785 15:51
6888 16:18
6982 16:23
7083 16:44
7163 16:48
7270 17:19
7381 17:21
7478 20:28
7590 25:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 5th March 2022 at 18:05 GMT and were signed by Andy Jardine (Clerk of the Course)

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