Posn Stage 1
6.77 miles
11 7:12
23 7:15
32 7:30
44 7:34
510 7:43
69 7:46
78 7:51
823 7:51
912 7:53
106 7:56
117 7:57
1217 8:00
1321 8:06
1416 8:13
1520 8:16
1611 8:17
1727 8:27
1814 8:32
1931 8:34
2041 8:51
2128 8:55
2232 8:56
2330 8:58
2425 9:00
2534 9:00
2635 9:00
2736 9:03
2824 9:14
2937 9:19
3046 9:27
3140 9:50
3244 9:55
3342 10:00
3439 10:08
3543 10:26
3638 10:36
3745 11:16
385 12:30
3929 12:30
4033 12:30

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 3rd July 2022 at 16:50 BST and were signed by Roger Fisher (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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