Posn STC 3STC 6STC 9STC 11STC 13STC 16STC 19STC 22
Class E
12 1:222 3:502 3:502 3:505 5:225 6:295 7:005 7:00
28 1:321 4:071 4:077 4:071 5:231 6:497 8:027 8:52
31 1:407 4:077 4:071 4:107 5:447 6:506 9:333 9:37
46 1:455 4:265 4:265 4:266 6:036 7:213 9:376 10:04
57 1:456 4:296 4:296 4:298 6:278 7:458 10:098 10:38
65 1:468 4:328 4:328 4:323 6:413 8:0211 10:5211 12:04
73 2:093 4:593 4:593 4:5911 7:0211 8:152 12:002 12:21
811 2:1911 5:0811 5:0811 5:082 7:5316 9:169 13:059 14:35
99 2:369 5:449 5:449 5:4412 8:072 9:1910 15:341 18:17
104 2:4412 5:5512 5:5512 5:559 8:089 9:384 16:1612 18:50
1110 3:1716 6:2316 6:2316 6:2316 8:0912 9:5212 17:024 19:17
1223 3:284 6:244 6:2410 7:0810 9:5010 11:4617 17:1817 19:42
1312 3:4010 7:0810 7:084 7:244 10:104 11:511 17:3910 21:44
1416 3:5017 8:1917 8:1917 8:1917 10:4917 12:5716 18:5123 23:39
1517 3:5923 8:2223 8:2223 8:2223 11:3123 13:5623 19:3016 26:26
1631 4:3831 10:1931 10:1931 10:1931 14:1531 17:1031 23:3631 27:06
Class S
118 2:3818 5:2318 5:2318 5:2318 7:1818 8:5019 14:5319 18:37
219 3:1019 6:4719 6:4719 6:4719 9:2319 11:0818 17:1328 24:24
328 3:3314 7:1814 7:1814 7:1814 9:3214 11:2128 21:1418 28:22
414 3:5528 8:3428 8:3428 8:3428 13:3928 15:5314 22:1627 28:39
533 4:3815 9:2015 9:2027 12:1027 16:0427 18:5527 25:1114 28:41
615 5:0027 11:1027 11:1033 12:3233 16:2933 18:5833 29:4933 33:38
727 5:0033 11:3233 11:3234 14:3434 18:3134 21:0134 1F 21:0121 2F 18:42
821 5:2034 13:3434 13:3421 1F 8:3321 2F 10:1321 2F 11:3921 2F 15:2434 3F 21:01
934 7:2021 1F 8:3321 1F 8:33     
Class N
122 3:0122 7:0422 7:0413 7:1613 10:0437 11:3837 15:2337 16:51
213 3:1413 7:1613 7:1637 7:3837 10:0413 11:5622 19:5013 23:07
329 3:4337 7:3837 7:3832 9:3925 12:2222 14:4513 20:2225 24:42
432 3:5832 8:3932 8:3925 9:5322 12:4625 14:5225 21:1232 26:25
537 4:2325 9:5325 9:5322 10:0436 13:3436 15:5332 21:5122 29:54
635 4:2636 10:3436 10:3436 10:3432 13:5332 16:0029 26:5735 33:03
739 4:3339 10:5639 10:5639 10:5639 14:2439 17:2335 27:3439 33:53
825 4:4235 11:0635 11:0635 12:0635 15:5135 18:5239 28:0029 1F 30:19
926 4:4329 11:2329 11:2329 12:2329 16:1229 19:0626 2F 19:4926 3F 1:28:49
1036 4:5426 12:3426 12:3426 12:3426 16:3426 19:49  
1140 7:3640 19:53      

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 13th November 2022 at 12:10 GMT and were signed by Matthew Hewlett (Clerk of the Course)

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These results will be provisional until 12:00 on the 20th Nov 2022