Car Cls Crew1 Penalty Total Cls
36John Griffiths/ Emma Morrison5:405:4011
126Paul Murro/ Callum Cross5:415:4122
26John Stone/ Callum Young5:425:4233
396Michael Igoe/ Will Atkins5:525:5244
46Ollie O'Donovan/ Ashleigh Morris5:535:5355
136Mike English/ Andy Robinson5:545:5466
66Kiaran Hankin/ James Swallow5:555:5577
94Martin Hodgson/ Tony Jones5:585:5818
155Richard Weaver/ Dylan Thomas6:026:0219
234Alasdair Stables/ Neil Jones6:036:03210
181Christopher Newton/ Anthony Newton6:056:05111
146Sean Quigley/ Colin Quigley6:076:07812
225Wayne Larbalestier/ Archie Larbalestier6:076:07213
463Vincent Sillett/ Oliver Matthews6:076:07114
962Philip Smith/ Robert Smith6:086:08115
243Tim Mewett/ Liz Jordan6:126:12216
273Sam Cox/ Steve Cox6:136:13317
86Darrell Taylor/ Steve McNulty6:146:14918
104Ian Hucklebridge/ Oliver Hucklebridge6:070:106:17319
Car 10 Penalty details:- 0:10 for Hitting Chicane R26.1 SS1
193James Slaughter/ Josh Slaughter6:196:19420
206Ryan Mone/ Matthew Smalley6:196:191021
214James Garner/ Jack Cuttill6:196:19422
285Ben Smith/ Luke Dawson6:196:19323
382Bryan Cherrett/ Jack Cherrett6:196:19224
523Neal Dwyer/ Matthew Dwyer6:216:21525
492Ben Dawson/ Isabella Dawson6:226:22326
562Joseph Duffy/ Daniel Duffy6:226:22427
452Paul Sheard/ Colin Stephens6:236:23528
443Wayne Hole/ Chris Wilson6:246:24629
303Gary Mason/ John Matthews6:266:26730
513Nigel Greensall/ Graham Wild6:266:26831
255Sir Andrew McAlpine/ Mark Jones6:296:29432
165Steve Hill/ Patrick O'Donovan6:316:31533
373Brian Stevens/ Andy Holligham6:346:34934
843Steve Dolman/ Julia Perry6:346:341035
585Tony Davies/ Harry Walshaw6:356:35636
712William Routledge/ Alex Routledge6:366:36637
175Nathan Bolton/ Jason McTear6:270:106:37738
Car 17 Penalty details:- 0:10 for 1:00 late at MTC 1
295Charlie Jackson/ Chris Hambly6:386:38839
403Alex Waterman/ Richard Bliss6:386:381140
803Ryan Lewis/ Paul Barrett6:386:381241
322Chris Ruck/ Steve Harris6:396:39742
483Charles De Garston/ Oliver De Garston6:416:411343
623David Hockaday/ Steve Frost6:416:411444
533Ross Wey/ Liam Carfrae6:426:421545
613Richard Weatherley/ Shaun Layland6:426:421646
601Oliver Howard/ Simon Howard6:436:43247
652James Tointon/ Evie Ewing6:456:45848
723Alan Carfrae/ Simon Rickwood6:456:451749
473Will Graham/ Anna Graham6:476:471850
694Nigel Brain/ Catherine Jenny Brain6:486:48551
884James Crossland/ Loic Ditchburn6:496:49652
423Vini Cruz/ Daniel Gallant6:506:501953
432Vince Bristow/ Tim Sayer6:506:50954
993Stephen Hall/ Melissa Hall6:506:502055
333Nick Heard/ Oliver Mathison6:516:512156
742Alfie Hammond/ Phil Boyle6:516:511057
753Mike Webb/ Steve Noble6:516:512258
505Ian Jarvis/ Corey Powell-Jones6:556:55959
664Alastair Flack/ Fiona Scarrett6:556:55760
684Brian Watts/ Mike Hewson6:556:55861
783Andy Reid/ Alex Reid6:566:562362
703Paul Gorge/ Harriet Worth6:576:572463
823David Large/ David Ottoway6:586:582564
895Sam Gendy/ Will Brown6:586:581065
974David Chislett/ Daniel James6:596:59966
833Peter Hinton/ Dean Mitchell7:047:042667
354Andrew Donaldson/ Richard Wise7:097:091068
951Martyn Smith/ Nicholas Jackson7:107:10369
934Philip Chislett/ Sam Chislett7:117:111170
342Ernie Graham/ Lois Graham7:167:161171
673Elliott Sharp/ Matt Clark7:167:162772
942Cameron Barclay/ Will Barclay7:167:161273
922Roland Francis/ Callum Francis7:197:191374
903Scott Stutchbury/ Darren Stutchbury7:217:212875
873Mark Coleman/ Robert Best7:227:222976
1004Andrew McCourt/ Harry Nicholls7:287:281277
771Jon Bray/ Freddy Hewitt7:357:35478
761Barrie Marshall/ Oliver Marshall7:397:39579
632Colin Paul/ Anne-Marie Paul7:447:441480
813Paul Quinnell/ Dave Taylor7:517:513081
853David Michael Segal/ Denise Gubbins8:098:093182
983Roger Sparrow/ Morgan Sparrow8:108:103283
863Stephen Johansen/ Marc Fowler6:501:408:303384
Car 86 Penalty details:- 1:40 for 10:00 late at MTC 1
76Tony Robinson/ Paul Spooner11:0011:001185
266Paul Horton/ Matt Edwards11:0011:001286
415Ian Barclay/ Sue Plater11:0011:001187
These Competitors have only reached SSF 1
643Tom Grant/ Dick Athow5:495:493488
363Ben Gill/ David Didcock6:286:283589
311Charlie Barlow/ Laura Cooledge6:220:106:32690
Car 31 Penalty details:- 0:10 for 1:00 late at RC 1
573Scott Rayner/ Lee Dyke6:376:373691

Times shown like this are notional or penalised

Stage 1
4.90 miles

These results became Final on Saturday 21st January 2023 at 18:19 GMT and were signed by Suze Endean (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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