Car Cls Crew Penalty Total Cls
1H2Matthew Robinson / Hannah Davison11
2H2Dan Mennell/ John H Roberts22
3H2Ben Friend/ Osian Owen 33
4H2Paul Thompson / Josh Davison44
5H2Adrian Hetherington/ Ronan O'Neill55
6H2Steve Bannister/ Callum Atkinson66
7H2David Brown / Richard Wardle 77
8H2Simon Webster/ Jez Rogers88
9H2Jack Mathewson/ Chris Williams99
10H2Matthew Stroud/ Josh Carr1010
11H2Nick Kitching / Robbie Sandford1111
12H2Andrew Robinson/ Kev Wilson1212
14H2Sam Lucking/ Olly Lucking1313
15H2Mike Reed/ John Millington1414
16H2John Lowe/ Jamie Forrest 1515
174Nigel Cay / Fred Roberts116
18H2Paul Mathewson/ Charlie Mathewson1617
192Scott Renshaw/ Terry Wilson 118
203David Wallbank/ Mike Scrimgour119
21H2Andrew Siddall/ Alex Lee1720
22H2David Dobson/ Brian Hodgson1821
23H2Tony Thompson/ Steve Bielby1922
244Martyn Hawkswell/ Ben Cohen223
25H2Dave Lucking/ Amelia Lucking2024
26H2Tim Pearcey/ Ifan Devine2125
284Anthony Windle/ John Hendley326
29H2Ian Hildreth/ Sarah Wetton2227
30H2Dave Watkins/ Dave Shepherd2328
314Philip Rowland/ Philip Woodcock429
324Natalie Robinson/ Dai Roberts 530
333John Cooledge/ Louise Cooledge231
342Michael Jenkins/ Izzie Holman232
35H2Keith Turner/ Tracy Wood2433
36H2Tom Jordan / Arwel Jenkins2534
37H2Steve Ward/ Philip Sandham2635
383Jonny Hepworth/ Dave Boyes336
394Christina Robinson/ Grum Willcock 637
403Jason Metcalfe/ David Batley438
413Gary Beckwith/ Kirsty Angell539
42H2Stewart Andrew Scott/ Glyn Casey2740
43H2Terry Cree/ Richard Shores2841
44H1Robert Rook/ Miles Cartwright142
45H2Anthony Hanson/ Brad Sowerby2943
461Max Crowther/ Phil Bramma144
47H1Stuart Cariss/ Linda Cariss245
481Mick Smith/ Paul Michael Stringer246
492David Wood/ Tom Murphy347
504Clive Hitchman/ Jeremy Griffiths748
513Alex Steele/ Alex Wingfield649
524Martin Peirson / Charlotte Ruth Mcglashan850
533Graham Haigh/ Kari Bates751
544Russell Addyman/ Katie Addyman952
553Ian Curwen/ Matt Hewlett853
56H2Robin Hamilton/ Kenny Mcguire3054
574Ian Jemison/ Dean Kellett1055
58H1Julian Birley/ Emyr Hall356
592Chris Watts/ Benjamin Watts457
601Ian Holliday/ Jane Wright358
614Paul Hall/ Howard Pridmore1159
623Tony Brumfield/ David Hackney960
63H2Andrew Plunkett/ Liam Charlton3161
643Thomas Riordan/ Bob Wiggins1062
65H1Alan Kitson / John Roberts 463
662Neil Commons/ Sam Kelter564
672Alan Lister / Craig Durose 665
68H2Kris Hopkins/ Colin Watson3266
694Oliver Waggett/ Peter Williams1267
702Jack Taylor / Ian Bass 768
712David Jackson/ Kerryl Jackson (Carter)869
721Gary Bradley / Adrian Wilford470
1015Elliot Payne/ Patrick Walsh171
1025Alan Carmichael/ Michael Gilbey272
1035Kyle White/ Anthony Nestor373
1045Hugh Brunton/ Terry Mallin474
1055Stephen Petch / Michael Wilkinson575
1065Neil Roskell/ Rob Fagg676
1075Kevin Procter / Ian Windress777
1085John Bannister / Emma Clarke 878
1095Trevor Gamble/ Phil Kenny979
1105Simon Bowen/ Craig Simkiss1080
1115Alexander Vassallo/ Harry Walshaw1181
1125Darren Martin/ Daniel Hurst1282
1135Colin Minton/ Jordan Joines1383
1145Steve Petch/ John Richardson1484
1155Ian Ring/ Paul Vasey1585
1165Sam Pattison/ Paul Whittaker1686
1175Marcus Tomlinson / Alan Ward 1787
1185Philip Megginson / Paul Turner1888
1195Gavin Spencer/ Peter Spencer1989
1205George Scott/ Ian Jackson2090

Times shown like this are notional or penalised and numbers like this are the position on that Stage.

These results became Final on Sunday 3rd November 2024 at 16:55 GMT and were signed by Chris Woodcock (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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