Car Cls Crew Penalty Total Cls
1AMichael Igoe/ Will Atkins11
2AJohn Griffiths / Emma Morrison22
3AJohn Stone/ Alex Stone33
4DJosh Davey / Tamsyn Davey 14
5ATony Robinson/ Paul Spooner45
6CJames Garner/ Jordan Joines16
7ASean Quigley/ Colin Quigley57
8CAlasdair Stables/ Neil Jones28
9CJosh Payton/ Jamie Vaughan39
10BMark Jasper/ Don Whyatt110
11CMartin Hodgson/ Matt Wood411
12DTony Davies/ Martin Davies 212
14DAndrew Turner/ Ross Green313
15CSimon Chapman/ Jack Morris514
17CCiro Carannante/ Simon Coates615
18CJohn Yates/ Alex Lee 716
19BNeil Beaumont/ Dylan Thomas217
20DSam Cox/ Jack Dweeb Cox418
21EChris Woodhouse/ Lucy Wilding 119
22CTom Stockdale/ Neil Chambers820
23CMartin Stockdale/ Ross Hammond921
24DChris Grundy/ Steve Grundy 522
25BNigel Wetton/ Louise Wetton323
26DMick Jowers/ Ben Jowers624
28CSimon Belcher / Kerry Pullen 1025
29CClive Hitchman/ Jeremy Griffiths1126
30DJoseph Duffy/ Daniel Duffy727
31DAndrew Egger/ Alan Jackson828
32DAlfie Threlfall/ Patrick Cross 929
33BLuke Sedzikowski/ Andrew Ford430
34BDavid Jenkins/ Philip Hopkins531
35DCraig Stevens / Stephen Moyses1032
36DPaul Rees/ Ian Faulkner1133
37DNigel Barber/ Theo Barber1234
39DAndy Wright/ Nigel Powell 1335
40BIan Ross/ John Petrie636
41CPeter Outram/ Jemma West1237
42BDavid Bonning / Robbie Sandford738
43CStuart Tomlinson/ Nick Taylor 1339
44DDean Baker/ Adrian Baker1440
46BStephen Johansen/ Colin Stephens841
47DMassie Piggott/ Julian Monkley1542
48EJoe Piggott/ John Fellowes243
49CGeorge Clarke / Adam Burkill1444
50DRoss Wey/ Liam Carfrae1645
51DBridge Carey/ Royston Carey1746
52FChris Worrall/ Jonathan Hudson 147
53DKevin Williams/ Andrew Davies1848
54DStuart Gilks/ Louise Gilks1949
55DPeter Taylor/ Charlotte Wainwright2050
56DDavid Keith Anglesea/ Christine Pearson2151
57BGraham Sturrock/ Connor Sturrock952
58DHendrik Minnderman/ Mark Summers2253
60FJames Palmer-Smith/ David Palmer-Smith254
61FAdam Bickley/ Richard Mills 355
63EHarry Pinchin/ Colin Jenkins356
64FMatt Walk/ Adrian Walk457
65DKevin Gilgrist/ Ben Forrester2358
66BDavid Barbara/ Jon Quintrell1059
68DAdrian Lloyd/ George Howarth2460
69EBen Bloor/ Harriet Worth461
70EAdrian Drury/ Cat Lund562
71DMarina Miller/ Iain Davidson2563
72BDean Hickling/ Lee Sellers1164
73DJoe Harwood/ Geoff Fletcher2665
74DTony Baldy/ Paul Hall2766
75DMartin Rumble/ Andrew Newall2867
76DGraham Phillpott/ Ian Jones2968
77GDavid Fox/ Paul Price169
78CJack Birch/ Mike Jode1570
79DNick Wilkins/ Josh Humphriss3071
80BRoss Clements/ Lucie Gutteridge 1272
81DMark Burton / Toby Burton3173
82EJon Hunt/ Tom Eckett 674
83FOwain Thomas/ Glyn Thomas575
84ETom Hutchings/ Nik Artley776
85DPierre Newton/ Gordon Davies3277
86DGrant Victory/ Dan Petrie3378
87FKay Thompson/ Reece Brookes679
88FThomas Alderton/ Paul Alderton780
89GBill Douglas/ Andy O'Hanlon281
90EJack Warren/ Richard Warren882
91FPhil Hall/ Nathalie Kelly Rutten883
92DLiam Mazzitelli / Lauren Smith3484
93CChris West/ Keith Hounslow1685
27CStephen Sawley / Rob Johnson1788
38CNigel Brain/ Martin Corbett1889
59DAlex Steele/ Alex Wingfield 3591
62FJon Bray/ Darren Styles992
67CDavid Turner/ James Turner1993

Times shown like this are notional or penalised and numbers like this are the position on that Stage.

These results became Final on Sunday 1st December 2024 at 16:50 GMT and were signed by Bob Draper (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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