Posn Stage 1
8.88 miles
11 9:09
22 9:11
393 9:25
43 9:29
58 9:43
69 9:50
710 9:51
85 9:54
912 9:54
1022 9:54
117 9:56
1220 9:57
1314 9:59
1418 10:05
1548 10:09
164 10:14
1734 10:14
1829 10:16
1932 10:21
2040 10:22
2121 10:24
2224 10:24
2328 10:25
2451 10:25
2523 10:29
2626 10:29
2719 10:31
2833 10:32
2930 10:33
3025 10:36
3136 10:38
3249 10:38
3346 10:40
3463 10:41
3542 10:43
3654 10:44
3731 10:46
3864 10:47
3937 10:50
4044 10:50
4141 10:52
4235 10:53
4353 10:53
4461 10:55
4588 10:59
4652 11:01
4757 11:01
4850 11:02
4977 11:05
5066 11:06
5115 11:08
5247 11:10
5384 11:10
5474 11:24
5583 11:24
5687 11:24
5743 11:26
5856 11:26
5955 11:27
6039 11:31
6186 11:32
6272 11:33
6381 11:34
6482 11:36
6558 11:37
6679 11:39
6778 11:40
6885 11:43
6965 11:44
7076 11:44
7160 11:48
7269 11:50
7371 11:55
7490 11:56
7575 12:09
7689 12:36
7773 12:40
7891 12:58
7968 13:10
8070 13:36
816 14:00
8211 14:00
8317 14:00
8480 14:00
8592 14:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 1st December 2024 at 16:50 GMT and were signed by Bob Draper (Clerk of the Course) - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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