Posn Test 12
Mintex 3
1.10 miles
11 14:10
214 14:27
316 14:40
423 14:42
55 15:00
612 15:00
78 15:07
822 15:56
915 16:01
1028 16:06
1119 16:11
1237 16:38
1320 16:48
1427 16:56
159 18:12
1624 18:34
1718 18:40
1826 19:03
193 19:54
207 20:33
2113 21:01
2225 21:38
2331 21:50
2429 22:08
256 22:18
2632 22:46
2717 22:51
2836 23:00
2935 25:30
3010 27:13
3134 29:43
3233 30:35
334 33:42

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Sunday 13th September 2009 at 07:34 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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