Posn Test 12
Mintex 3
1.10 miles
Test 13
Acaster Malbis 5
1.00 miles
Test 14
Acaster Malbis 6
0.80 miles
138 2:1241 1:3540 1:36
239 2:1239 1:3941 1:39
340 2:1238 1:4446 1:49
441 2:1246 1:4948 1:55
543 2:1240 1:5838 6:00
644 2:1243 1:5839 6:00
746 2:1248 1:5942 6:00
847 2:1244 2:0343 6:00
948 2:1242 2:0444 6:00
1042 2:1647 2:0547 6:00

Hover over or click on a car to highlight all times for that car

These results became Final on Saturday 12th September 2009 at 22:24 BST - This page will refresh in 5 minutes.

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